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    Top Ten Best Cities In Pakistan

    10 Gujranwala
    Image result for gujranwala
    Source: Youtube

    # 1 in many things like (brave, nice people, good food, etc.)

    It's Pakistan's industry ... Pakistan can not function without an industry ...

    I love my city

    Gujranwala is now Pakistan's third largest industrial city after Karachi and Faisalabad
    Gujranwala contributes 5% of GDP

    Sialkot, Guitar and Gujranwala form the golden triangle of the industry. Gujranwala founded in the 18th century it was state of Maharajah rangeth singh. Gujranwala is the fifth most populated city.

    9 Sialkot
    Image result for sialkot

    I went there and I think it's beautiful, then, the white house in the United States and I know that the United States is really jealous of beautiful Pakistan, it's so selfish.

    Sialkot is an industrial city with its famous football, hockey and leather products. Clothing, surgical instruments, etc.

    Very good city and center of Pakistan industry


    8 Rawalpindi
    Image result for rawalpindi

    Rawalpindi is the most populated city in Pakistan so it is in the n. ° 4 on the list of the largest cities in Pakistan

    Rawlalpindi is the green city of Pakistan

    Good city with people rush and traffic

    This is the most sacred city in Pakistan

    7 Hyderabad
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    A quiet and fresh city, but offers everything that residents require

    It's a beautiful country because I'm Pakistani and at least it's better than America

    Hyderabad is a great city

    The city of kings

    6 Multan
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    Love fine more secure protected by the military

    The city of the Saints. There is no need to say more!

    I should be much taller. Much more peaceful than those above

    It deserves to be higher in the rankings

    5 Islamabad

    Islamabad is a very beautiful city among all

    Islamabad is a modern city blessed with natural beauty. The rest of Pakistan just does not come close.

    Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan.

    More developed

    4 Peshawar
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    I have lived in Peshawar for three years. I do not hesitate to say that when I heard the news of our transfer to Peshawar, it surprised and bothered me a lot. I would rather live in nature than in Peshawar. Could it be the terrorist incidents or the conservative nature of the city? I did not want to go to Peshawar. However, my opinions changed once we were established. The people were extremely hospitable, the city offered everything you needed and the land of Peshawar felt very protective. Despite many bomb blasts, once I heard that we were leaving Peshawar, I literally cried and did not want to say goodbye. I always had the desire to visit Peshawar once again and wish the best for his people, whom I witnessed sacrificing his life for our country. Such a sense of patriotism is lacking elsewhere in the country. I LOVE YOU PESHAWAR!

    Peshawar is the most important city because it is the gateway to Central Asia.

    Peshawar is so beautiful.

    Imran Khan changes this city

    3 Faisalabad
    Image result for faisalabad

    I am a Lahori, which makes me a resident of the city that has everything. But once you visit Faisalabad, you feel something you've never felt before. Faisalabad has something that no other city has. That is their unique culture. The people of Lahore and Karachi have forgotten their true cultural identity, but Faisalabad retains it strongly today. The people are very hospitable and the city itself is very charming. Ghanta Ghar and the eight bazaars are worth visiting. Faisalabad may not be at that level, like Karachi or Lahore, but it is a place worth visiting.

    Faisalabad is the safest country to live.

    Faisalabad is a very safe city and has great importance in the fabrics throughout Pakistan, it is an industrial city.

    The best city with everything
    2 Karachi
    Image result for karachi
    This city should have been in Number One. The educational center of South Asia, as well as the port city of Pakistan, our country is incomplete without Karachi. Karachi has everything that Lahore has as culture, elite lifestyle, high-rise buildings, but Lahore is deprived of some things that Karachi has. Some examples are the beaches, the port and the bearable climate. I agree that 'Lahore Lahore Hai', but a person who has not seen Karachi has not seen Pakistan.

    Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan

    The financial center of Pakistan.

    Love it 

    1 Lahore
    Image result for lahore

    Stable and progressive compared to other countries

    I have lived in Karachi and I love it, but as it is now my vote will be Lahore for many reasons. For example, Lahore has a better infrastructure and public transport, cleaner and greener, comparatively less crime and people are more traditional and affectionate. Above all, it has five seasons to enjoy, especially my winter is the favorite in Lahore.

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